Media Center


Newsletter #6

The June 24 Edition of Tandems Quarterly looks back to the European elections and the European Sustainable Energy Week.

Newsletter #3

Our third project newsletter focusing on the concept of a just energy transition and how energy communities are re-arranging the current energy market.

Newsletter #5

Our fifth newsletter talking about cultivating resilience among society, capacity building, cyber security and the future of energy communities.

Newsletter #2

Our second project newsletter discussing new pilot projects, energy communities, events and important themes related to energy transition.

Newsletter #4

Our fourth project newsletter focusing on collaboration, municipality involvement, climate action and our third consortium meeting.

Newsletter #1

Our first project newsletter talking about country and partner profiles.

Dissemination Material

Image representing a preview of the Tandems project executive summary
Executive Summary

Executive Summary - Find here a brief description of the TANDEMS project.

Press Realease for collective renewable energy in Otterbeek and Groot Begijnhof

6th September by City of Mechelen, which joins the energy community Otterbeek and investigates the possibility of a heat network in the Grand Beguinage.

Press Realease for heating grid in Heist op den Berg

8th June 2023 by Heist op Den Berg with Klimaan and ZuidtrAnt


Ivaylo Trendafilov from Municipality of Burgas introduces his expectations towards the TANDEMS project. 

Justin Pagden from Agem explains the TANDEMS project.

Interview with Liyana Adjarova, TANDEMS external partner and the executive director of the Energy Agency in Plovdiv. 

Introduction to Otterbeek in Mechelen, Belgium. An energy community formed by Klimaan, Woonpunt and City of Mechelen.

Liesbet Veulemans from ZuidtrAnt about what she is looking forward to within TANDEMS. 

A short video summary from our third consortium meeting in Doetinchem, in the region of Achterhoek in the Netherlands. 

Maro Saridaki from Kamp C gives a detailed insight on what TANDEMS will bring about. 

Site Visit to the Anaerobic Installation located in Burgas, Bulgaria, which converts biodegradable waste to electricity and heat. 


TANDEMS consortium posing for a photo in Burgas with a LifeProgramme flag and a TANDEMS banner.

Second Consortium Meeting in Burgas, May/June 2023

Image of the consortium holding the EU flag and posing with a tandem bike

First Consortium Meeting in Mechelen, November 2022

Consortium members sitting in a semi circle and discussing

First Consortium Meeting in Mechelen, November 2022

Communal house renovations as presented by ZuidtrAnt

Consortium members standing in a semicircle and listening to a person in the middle

First Consortium Meeting in Mechelen, November 2022

Logo Variations

The Tandems logo on a dark green background

The Tandems logo on a dark green background

The Tandems logo in color on a transparent background

The Tandems logo on a transparent background

The tandems Logo in black and white

The Tandems logo in black and white