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Discover the transformative insights from the Flemish Policy Dialogue on Socially Inclusive Energy Communities. This newly published report from the...

At Burenwerf, we’ve seen firsthand how local leadership and adaptability can drive powerful grassroots movements in energy communities. Discover how...

Our work in Otterbeek highlights the challenges of fostering energy-sharing in a diverse neighborhood. From building trust to addressing cultural...

Inclusive energy initiatives are the key to a successful energy transition. But how can we ensure that everyone is truly...

As part of its mission to accelerate the clean energy transition, the TANDEMS project is leading a community-driven effort to...

At the heart of the LIFE LOOP project lies a vision for a 100% community-led renewable energy transition. Despite the...

Europe is undergoing a revolution in energy. Energy Communities (ECs) are at the forefront of this change. They are enabling...

For its 4th consortium meeting, the partnership gathered in Austria's capital and delved into the Austrian ways of energy sharing.

Join TANDEMS for an ‘Inspirational Breakfast’ on April 19th (Fri, 9:00-11:00, Gleis21, 1100 Vienna). Impulse speakers will provide insight into...